He was in "The Princess Bride," where he played Inigo Montoya. He was excellent, and I was kindly disposed to him.
Then he was in some doctor show. I did not watch it and do not remember what it was called. It aired sometime after "St. Elsewhere" but before "ER." I only saw snippets of the show but he was one of the leads and, consequently, interviewed a lot. He started bugging me in those interviews, seeming to take himself a little too seriously (I mean, he only PLAYED a doctor on TV).
Then, while he was on that show, he released an album of songs. And he toured. It got on my nerves.
And THEN, he was in some PBS special--an adaptation of some play or other--and he totally ruined it with his smarminess.
WORSE YET, he totally stomped all over the sunny feelings of "The Princess Bride." In the movie, he plays a character who is on a quest to find his father's killer. When he finally meets the dastardly dude (played by Christopher Guest), he says, "hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Then he says it over and over, to keep his courage up and because he's been practicing saying it for so long. It's a funny and triumphal scene. My niece even named her cat Inigo Montoya! In an interview with the cast of "The Princess Bride," celebrating the 20th (?) anniversary of the movie, he said how much that role meant to him, because his own father had died shortly before filming. I understand how that could be so, but did he really need to mention it in an article that was all about the fun of that movie?
And finally, ladies and gentleman of the jury: I give you this photo, which accosted me a few weeks ago when I innocently opened my Sunday paper:
It's Mandy Patinkin and Patti Lupone, ya'll, in some sort of revue on Broadway. As soon as I saw it, I just thought, "there he goes again, taking up ALL the airspace." I mean, poor Patti is barely even in the picture.
I rest my case.
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