So last night I had some leftover boiled chicken breasts (boil water, throw in breasts, boil for 20 minutes--very juicy and "chickeny" tasting) that I needed to use before they went bad. Here's what I did:
* Made some pasta, drained it (reserving about a cup of the liquid)
* Threw in the chicken breast
* Threw in a spec of ricotta cheese (less than a tablespoon) I had left over from lasagne my fiance made
* Threw in a small (probably a 1/4 cup or less) handful of reduced-fat shredded cheese
That covered all the bases, I thought, but what else could I do to dress it up?
* Cut up a tomato and threw that in (generally, I don't buy tomatoes this time of year, but I caved and yes, they were terrible--but in this dish, it wouldn't matter)
* Found some sun-dried tomatoes in the cupboard--in they went
* I wished I had some black olives, but no luck--but I did have GREEN olives, so I threw in just a few and a bit of the juice for some salt
* Lots of ground pepper
Mixed it all up. It was a little dry, so I added some of the pasta water I reserved.
Voila! Delicious and simple. If I'd had time, I would have sauteed a bit of garlic in olive oil, but time was of the essence. The fact that I pulled this off after getting home from a yoga class somehow made me feel very virtuous, indeed.
You've come a long way since your "noodles mixed with chicken noodle soup" days.