I would say that Anne Hathaway had too many wardrobe changes excepting that her figure is so easy on the eyes that every other woman's dress was wishing she were on Anne's body. I also ultimately liked her "whooooo!" and enthusiastic clapping for every presenter. At first I was irritated, but then I kind of liked it.
I love Melissa Leo. "Frozen River" was an excellent movie (thanks again for the recommendation that I see it, Betsy and Cath). But I found her surprise a little hard to believe…and her dropping the f-bomb seemed fakey. I was glad Natalie Portman wasn't as dorky as she was during her acceptance speech at the Golden Globes.
I was disappointed that "True Grit" got shut out; I was particularly sorry that the female supporting lead didn't win. That movie was terrific. I wish I could record Jeff Bridges' voice as Rooster Cogburn reading ANYTHING to help me sleep when I have insomnia—it is strangely soothing. I was also sorry the lead for "Winter's Bone" didn't win. I didn't see "Black Swan," but have a hard time believing that it was better than "Winter's Bone," which was mesmerizing. Colin Firth can do no wrong in my book and I'm glad he won, but I was overall disappointed that the Academy went with such a stalwart choice for so many awards. And did anyone else catch Helena Bonham-Carter's interesting reactions to the wins? I finally twigged that she is beyond irritated with all the "man love" shout-outs between the Hooper (the director), Firth, and Rush. Bonham-Carter played a pretty big role, too, so she is probably wondering—rightly—where her sugar is. (Side note: remember when she was a period-drama darling? And she starred with Emma Thompson [who does not work often enough, by the way] in "Howard's End," and then she took up with Kenneth Branaugh right after he and Thompson separated? And then how she "broke up" Tim Burton and his long-time ladylove?)
I love it that Annette Bening is aging like a normal person. And by that I mean she is amazingly beautiful but hasn't had any surgical intervention that I know of. And her dress was divine. My very favorite outfit was on the fabulous and amazing Cate Blanchett. I've seen it on some "worst dressed" lists, which vexes me greatly. And her presentation was by far the funniest, with her throw-away, "that's gross" on the "Wolfman" excerpt.
The production of the Oscars? Well, the set was a little hammy. I would love to know how much all the diamante shit cost. And they can knock off the holograms along with the cartoon characters coming out on stage, too. It's creepy. I can't STAND Randy Newman—that voice of his makes my teeth hurt—but his acceptance speech was pretty funny. But I praise the Lord above that overall, the songs mostly seemed short.
And finally, after spending several years on my YUCK list, and then briefly getting off it, I hereby announce that Gywneth Paltrow joins Julia Roberts back on the YUCK list. She drives me crazy! But let me be clear: Julia Roberts has never been OFF my YUCK list. In fact, she was the first celebrity ON my YUCK list (and do not talk to me about "Erin Brokovich," people, because she made that movie suck).
Herewith ends my report. Your thoughts?
Colin Firth is a god. When he said he had stirrings in his abdominal region during his acceptance speech, I thought, "I have stirrings too, but they're a little lower."