I mean that title in its fullness. I can't remember why I put L'Aventurra in my Netflix queue. I have a vague recollection of reading a NYer piece on Antonioni and that other famous Italian director, and perhaps that's when I was so moved. Whatever the reason, it wasn't worth the two-plus hours I invested!
It was shot beautifully, that much I will give it. And there are some awesome outfits on the ladies, too.
But everything else was ridiculous, including and especially the storyline. By the end of the movie, I just kept talking back to the screen. When the lead female is considering whether to comfort her philandering love (who is already philandering with her, sort of [his girlfriend/her best friend is missing and they are searching for her—though this explanation makes the whole thing sound a lot more plausible than it is]), I was saying, "don't…nope…no…don't even think about it….turn around…no, run, don't walk…put your hand down…oh, come on..." And finally, "you're an idiot, this movie is stupid."
If you're in the mood for Italian, do yourself a favor and rent La Dolce Vita instead. That movie rocks.
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